Monday, June 3, 2024

June 2024 Shoots

So far, I have three shoots planned for the month. The 1st and 2nd are on Thursday and Friday of this week. Both shoots are my first with these models. Both are very experienced. Experienced models usually mean smooth shoots if the photographer is well prepared. I do my best.

Rachel Shoot Plan

I plan my shoots as far in advance as possible. That means deciding the concept, location, and model (if the shoot is for a client) as well as choosing the outfits and props. The key, however, to the best shoot relies on a written shoot plan that can be referenced during the shoot and remains flexible enough to change if necessary.

Thursday's shoot is with Rachel. I contacted her back in April hoping to set a shoot in May. Unfortunately, the weather and personal plans for both of us didn't work out, and we were delayed until this week. I've corresponded with her manager/husband weekly since our initial contact so the logistics are all in place, the plan is in place, and I hope the weather remains true to the forecast.  We'll be shooting a combination of my Goddess concept and some Barefoot Glamour.

Nicole's Shoot Plan
The following day, I'm shooting with Nicole. I've known Nicole for a couple of years since I've used her property for a few outdoor shoots. I've followed her and her photographer partner for even longer on Instagram and Twitter. I finally asked her about shooting last fall, but for the concept I wanted to shoot with her, we decided it would be best to wait until summer. We set a date back in April with hopes the weather would cooperate, and it looks like it will. We plan to shoot in the evening light at her place since I've already worked at a few locations on her property. Nicole will be shooting my Sword & Chains concept for me. 

I've included shots of both Rachel's and Nicole's shoot plans to provide an idea of how I put together a shoot. The outfits and small props will be placed in a large ziplock with the sequence number label on the bag. After each outfit gets used, it goes back in the bag so nothing get lost. Outfits get washed and props get wiped down after every shoot. 

I haven't finished planning for the 3rd shoot of the month yet because the model will be traveling here from out of state for a short visit and I'm unsure of the weather during that time. May and June can be volatile with cool temperatures and rainy part of the week and warm, sunny conditions the rest of the week. Fortunately, I've worked with Nanci before and I know how fun shooting with her can be.

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