Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Studio Boudoir with Jade

Jade in Black
I haven't worked with Jade since the end of summer last year. I had hoped to use her as one of the models for my 2023 Xmas pinups, but unfortunately, she wasn't available. Earlier this spring, though, she sent me a message telling me she was interested in shooting with me again. It took a bit of planning, but we shot an erotic boudoir set yesterday evening.

We used Floofie's studio for the shoot. Jade lives nearby, and the studio had just the props I wanted to use for the shoot. I arrived about an hour before the shoot to prep the scene and set up the lighting.

Butterfly Mesh
For this shoot, I decided to use Neewer LED panels for the light. Although the panels don't produce as much light as studio strobes, I used a fast lens for the shoot with image stabilization in both the lens, a Canon 24-105 f/2.8L, and in the camera body, a Canon R5. This setup allowed me to easily visualize the lighting effects.

Jade arrived exactly on time and was ready to start within a couple of minutes. I had all the outfits ready to go and in the sequence, I wanted to shoot. Once we started, the shoot proceeded quickly as Jade smoothly progressed through her poses and outfit. She had obviously been practicing her poses and expression since we last shot. I loved her pinup poses and she nailed the expressions I requested. We had a great shoot and I'm looking forward to our next one.

Jade in Repose

Saturday, May 25, 2024

In the Woods with C'est La Vie

I worked with K for the first time last summer. We had been planning to meet at Rooster Rock State Park this year for her to show me some new spots for shooting glamour. She had both modeled and shot there (she's also a photographer) and it lies equidistant from both our homes. It seemed like every time we planned to meet, the weather changed for the worse.  Last Friday, though the weather wasn't the best, we finally decided to just do it. 

I met her at the east end of the parking lot and gave her one last chance to avoid the chill, but she declined in favor of the shoot. We walked across the field and into the wooded area above the nude beach where she showed me a few of her favorite spots to shoot. She indicated that there were other spots in the area as well, and though we might encounter hikers, they would undoubtedly just pass on by. In fact, that did happen twice. K simply covered up and stepped to the side of the trail.

We started with some clothed shots until the morning chill eased, then shot some simple nudes at the end. The area is a decent alternative to Collins Beach. It offers an altogether different feel to the images that are more reflective of the Pacific NW forests. I have some ideas about what to shoot there this summer, but I'll need to do a bit more planning.

I've got one, possibly two shoots planned for this week. One is completely weather-dependent with a model I haven't had the opportunity to shoot with yet. I'm eager to work with her as I've been discussing the shoot with her husband and he's shown me some great examples of her work.

The other is with Jade. I shot with her last year on the beach. This time we're planning on a boudoir shoot in the studio. I'm interested to see her boudoir poses.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Joey in Space

 Okay, one more time with the Space concept. This time with Joey. I can always count on Joey's enthusiasm during a shoot; she was in rare form for this shoot. I'm not going to write much about it. I'll let the photos speak instead.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Morning with Danielle

Danielle - Blue Goddess
The last time I shot with Danielle we had to take full Covid precautions. We drove to the shooting site in separate cars and stayed 6 feet apart while shooting. For this shoot, we could be more relaxed. This shoot came together with some scheduling work. Initially, we were supposed to shoot in mid-April while Danielle was here for business. Her trip got rescheduled, but I had my own trip to Georgia planned during that time. Luckily, Danielle could stay in the area until the day after I returned from my trip. The weather cooperated and we had a delightful shoot the morning before she left.

Danielle loves the outdoors and it shows. She has a lithe, toned body sculpted by her athletic lifestyle, as you can well see by these photos. I enjoy conversing with her too. She always has some new adventure to relate or something new planned. She and her significant other have been working on creating an Expedition Touring Vehicle and plan on traveling the world with it. The plans include shipping it to Africa and New Zealand for the overland adventures. 

We shot for a couple of hours on the beach. We started early so Danielle could be on her way quickly after our shoot. Despite the cool morning, Danielle eagerly posed in each outfit I provided. The open shade chilled her, but there was no wind, and I gave her a thick towel to wrap around her when she got too chilly. Standing in the morning sun helped too, and she only needed a few short breaks.

The two hours we planned for the shoot passed quickly and Danielle was off to her next adventure. I'm not sure when I'll get to shoot with her again, but I'd be delighted to work with her in the future.