Thursday, June 27, 2019

Busy Shoot Week

Graffiti Girl (Joey Darke)
After my adventure with Danielle and Naked Santa, I returned to Sauvie with Joey Darke, one of my regular models. Joey is always a joy to shoot, and Tuesday morning's shoot with her was a pleasure, despite the light rain we experienced throughout the morning.  Joey loved shooting in the mist and rain, and I'll have to say she managed to create some wonderful poses and didn't seem to get cold at all.

To our benefit, Tuesday was warmer and far less windy than Monday's shoot, though that didn't allow us to effectively use the silk veils I brought with us.  I like to have the model hold them in the wind and let them stream behind them.

We wrapped up after about two hours of shooting since I had commitments for the afternoon and we had gotten plenty of great images by that point.

The next day I met Brennan in Cathedral Park for a quick shoot. Despite having visited Portland many times, Bree had never before shot in the park and I was delighted to provide her with that experience. It's a lovely park and great for shooting glamour and fashion.  The weather turned out much better than forecasted, though it was a bit cool since we were shooting in the morning to beat the crowd.

We spent a couple of hours meandering around the park shooting in the various dresses Bree and I had brought with us. The transient population in the park has increased over the past year and we had to adjust our shooting locations a bit to avoid capturing others in the shots, but all in all we had a lovely little photographic expedition.

I have quite a bit of editing to do for Merrique the rest of this week and then a shoot in Maupin this weekend.  After that a break from shooting for a while and chance to catch up on some editing, I hope.

Bree under the bridge.

On the Trail

Monday, June 24, 2019

Santa on Sauvie - Shoot with Danielle

I shot today with the very lovely Danielle Winkler, a fun and athletic model traveling through Oregon on a trip through the Pacific Northwest. We shot at Sauvie right around the Sauvie Spaceship. As we were setting up for the shoot, we were approached by an older, portly gentleman who was totally nude except for a Santa hat.  Unsurprised by the nakedness, it's a nude beach after all, the Santa hat did amuse me.  He asked if he could watch our shoot, but I declined since it was my first shoot with Danielle and I didn't know how she would feel about it.  I could have deferred to her, I suppose, but I didn't want to put her on the spot.

The man looked disappointed, but went on his way.  A short time later he approached us again and asked us a bit about the ship, and asked if we were done.  I told him a we'd be a while longer, and he grumbled a bit but went on his way.  Not too much later, we saw his walking (stumbling more like it) down the beach.  Then he came up to us again and remarked that he had "called them" and was told we couldn't reserve the site all day.  I attempted to explain to him, that we weren't reserving anything and he was free to explore the ship, but to be careful as there was glass inside the vessel.

Since it was a bit chilly for Danielle, we wrapped up our shoot sooner rather than later, and the last we saw of the gentleman, he was slowly making his way down away from us complaining that he should have made us let him in the ship earlier - leaving both Danielle and I quite puzzled with the whole encounter.  A most interesting encounter, but only one of many I've had while shooting on the island.  The strange thing though, is he wasn't from Portland at all, but visiting from North Carolina for the World Naked Bike Ride (which he kept trying to convince us to attend).  I guess you don't have to be from Portland to keep it weird.

Danielle at the Sauvie Spaceship

Friday, June 21, 2019

Fanny Fridays!

I used to do a feature on Tumblr called Fanny Friday. Most Fridays I would post several images of lovely models in poses featuring their lovely assets. Of course, with the new rules, posting on Tumblr or any art that shows female skin, just about guarantees you'll get an auto notification that your image violates their standards, then you have to appeal, then you have to wait for a real person to review the appeal, so screw that.  I'll start posting them here.

Joey Darke at Leisure Land

Monday, June 17, 2019

Summer Shooting

Belle - Backyard Boudoir
It's not quite summer (officially) yet, but you can't tell it by the weather here in the Pacific Northwest.  May and June are usually unsettled months with lots of rain and even storms.  This year has been much hotter and drier than normal which has been great for my backyard boudoir project and for my flower garden, but has played havoc with allergies and the lawn. 

The rivers have receded a from their spring high, so I've also been able to shoot at Sauvie and Merrique and I made a trip out to the coast to shoot a genie themed set in the Sand Lake dunes. I've shot with a couple of traveling models, and some new local talent as well. No shoots this week, though, since I need to get some images edited, posted and out to models.  Shooting will slow considerably until the end of July due to other commitments, but I do have some interesting themes and locations planned.

Merrique at Sauvie
Merrique and I have several shoots planned for our joint projects, and I'll have to say that she has been providing me with some interesting challenges. Gamora from Avengers, Dustin from Stranger Things and the Khaleesi from Game of Thrones has been some of the more interesting concepts. Future concepts include Rambo, Bettie Page and the Joker. 

In July, I do have one shoot planned with a model I've been wanting work with for quite some time. Vox Serene and I will be shooting art nudes in the river and the woods at Sauvie.  I'm planning for an early morning shoot, and I'm hoping for some mist on the waters.

As usual, I do a lot of shooting in the summer and save my editing for the cold, wet winter months, but I'll continue posting here since Tumblr is still being stupid about nudity.

Verronica in the Park