Monday, July 8, 2019

Planning and Cancellations

Selene at the Fairy Mound
The model cancelled on me this morning, about hour before we were to meet and shoot. I'm not going to mention names because I think she had a legitimate reason. She did let me know what was happening and didn't just no show on me. This occurred after at least two confirmations and several days of planning on my part. The model release was printed and the batteries all charged and I had already packed the wardrobe and the cameras in the vehicle when I got the text. There was nothing to do, but bring everything back into the office and try to find another model. Alas, I had no luck there.

Now, I recount this not because I'm angry or upset.  I'm a little disappointed, but I certainly understand why the model wasn't able to shoot. In fact, it's much better to have a model cancel when she's unwell or otherwise preoccupied about something. It's best to have a happy and fully functional model that wants to shoot, than one who had rather be somewhere else.  The reason I write this is to remind myself that this happens from time to time and it's part of dealing with creative people. There's only been a couple of times I've insisted the model show for the shoot, and the results didn't please me or the model.  So, I've learned to just accept what happens and replan for another day. 

So, instead of shooting, I relaxed today. I watched a few Photoshop tutorials, reorganized some photo catalogs, and spent a little time gardening.  Years ago, I would have been upset and sulked because I wasn't able to shoot, but this way is a much more pleasant way to deal with disappointment.

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