Monday, November 29, 2010


Kira in Chains
I got to shoot with Kira three times in 2010. We completed a full sequence of projects that consisted of a studio shoot (Sword & Sorcery), a location shoot at Dragonfly Landing (Sword & Chains - seen in the images here), and an indoor location shoot (Women in Chains). Because I was traveling quite a lot this past summer while on sabbatical and then catching up with work after returning from that nice long vacation, I only recently got around to queuing up those images for final processing.  Shooting Kira was a joy. Trying to cut down the number of images to process was not - I mean, it's tough to cut images from the que when they're all so good.

Of course, that's a problem most photographers would love to have when they finish a shoot, so I consider myself quite lucky to have been able to shoot with her for all three portions of this project arc, and I'm sure I'll be using her for future projects as well. I certainly want to shoot a figure study with her as well as a series of outdoor nudes and some barefoot glamour series. Those shoots, however, won't occur until the warmer months return, so in the meantime I'll just have to work on the images I've already made with her.

I hope you all enjoy these images and I can tell you to look for more in the near future.

Kira says "Halt!"

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