Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh, come on! Let me catch a break!

I can't seem to catch a break, photographically this week. I had scheduled for two shoots during the week, and both of them got canceled at the last minute.

Today's shoot, was literally at the last minute. I had been scheduled to shoot with Bambi, one of the lovely bartenders down at the local pub, for several weeks now. She was to be a flower fairy and we had picked out a killer costume for her to wear during the project. I had arranged to take the afternoon off from work to prep everything and to get us out to the shoot site while we had good light. Everything was going as planned until the clouds rolled in and the bottom fell out.

Fortunately, I managed to catch her before she got out the door to her place, though I did ask her if she wanted to be a Rain Fairy instead. She decided to reschedule, which I think was a wise idea given the buckets of rain that were dropping out of the sky. Since we were supposed to be shooting in a field of tall grass, it would have been a cold, wet and unpleasant experience even if the rain had stopped (which it didn't).

Of course, it also meant that I had to tell my friend, Mark, that I wouldn't need to shoot on his property after all. At least, I hope he got the message, since he hasn't been on YM all day today.

Earlier in the week, I was scheduled to do a fashion shoot with Gabriell, the lovely young lass in the image to the right. Everthing was on schedule right up until the morning of the day of the shoot when she fell ill. Apparently, she hasn't felt very well since. She was going to drive up to Portland for the shoot, stay here for the night, then drive back down the next day. We have also rescheduled.

I have a couple of shoots planned for next week. I hope the weather and the models' health cooperate. I haven't shot anything significant since the end of July and I'm getting a little anxious to shoot. If I have to keep rescheduling shoots, then they'll all pile up further into the summer and there are only so many days of good weather here in Oregon. It also means, that even if I'm able to get all the shoots in, that I'll have to put off post processing the images until the winter time. Oh well, such is life in the Northwest.

1 comment:

unityncinc said...

we would all like to see a little more of Gabriell