Continuing with our Christmas Pinup countdown, I'd like you to meet Alija. I started working with Alija back in early summer when she started with my Sword and Chains project. Since then, we've done three additional shoots together (Women in Chains, Barefoot Glamour and Sword & Sorcery). We shot this at the end of our Sword & Sorcery shoot for a bit of fun.
Alija is great to work with and also a fun conversationalist. She has some great poses and seems to be naturally adept with moving her body for the camera.
Since she's a trained beautician and stylist, I'm never quite sure what I'm going to get from her hair when we shoot, but that's part of the fun of shooting with her. Indeed, for her Barefoot Glamour shoot, she sported a mohawk for a portion of the shoot and we used wigs for the remainder.
I'm looking forward to our future shoots together. I'm sure she'll make a great fairy for my
Fae in Us All project. What do you think? Earth Fairy?
A Fitting End to a Fun Shoot |